Documentation for possible container and SQLOS-types?
Florian Reiser
19 years ago

in the kobold-* trunk I see different container- and SQLOS-types.
However I can't figure out where I should use one sort of container and where to use another.

Is there a documentation describing the functionality of the different containers?

With kind regards

Florian Reiser
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Fabio Tranchitella
19 years ago
Post by Florian Reiser
in the kobold-* trunk I see different container- and SQLOS-types.
However I can't figure out where I should use one sort of container and where to use another.
Is there a documentation describing the functionality of the different containers?
Not yet, just the functional tests.
Have a look at the testing package, too.

Sorry, documentation will be the next step.

Fabio Tranchitella http://www.kobold.it
Free Software Developer and Consultant http://www.tranchitella.it
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